/ / / DriverMax

DriverMax logo DriverMax and Flamory

Flamory provides the following integration abilities:

  • Create and use window snapshots for DriverMax
  • Take and edit DriverMax screenshots
  • Automatically copy selected text from DriverMax and save it to Flamory history

To automate your day-to-day DriverMax tasks, use the Nekton automation platform. Describe your workflow in plain language, and get it automated using AI.

Screenshot editing

Flamory helps you capture and store screenshots from DriverMax by pressing a single hotkey. It will be saved to a history, so you can continue doing your tasks without interruptions. Later, you can edit the screenshot: crop, resize, add labels and highlights. After that, you can paste the screenshot into any other document or e-mail message.

Application info

DriverMax is a new tool that allows you to download the latest driver updates for your computer. No more searching for rare drivers on discs or on the web or inserting one installation CD after the other. Just create a free account, log in, and start downloading the updates that you need.

You can also export all your current drivers (or just the ones that work ok) to a folder or a compressed file. After reinstalling Windows you will have everything in one place!

Most of the situations when Windows is running slower are caused by faulty driver installations. Windows stores all versions of older drivers just in case you want to go back; sometimes it messes up older versions with more recent ones. The Export Wizard will only export the drivers you select by copying the needed files to a folder or a compressed ZIP file.

Integration level may vary depending on the application version and other factors. Make sure that user are using recent version of DriverMax. Please contact us if you have different integration experience.